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WHOLE BEANS are shipped by default. We offer FREE grinding service.

Our coffee by default is shipped as "WHOLE BEANS" but we offer free grinding service to your specification.

Just click "ADD A NOTE" and let us know what kind of ground coffee you would like to have. We offer following:

1. Extra coarse grounds

Extra coarse coffee grinds should look like peppercorns. They’re best used for cold brews or toddy’s, and they’re perfect for lengthy submersions in water.

2. Coarse grounds

Coarse grounds should be the same consistency as chunky sea salt (that’s the last reference to table seasonings, I promise). This grind size is ideal for French Press brewing, and often needs about a four-minute brew time for the perfect extraction.

3. Medium coarse grounds

This grind size is for Chemex coffees or clever drippers. Medium-coarse grinds should look like sand, and they require an extraction time of approximately two minutes for that balanced cup.

4. Medium grounds

Grind to medium for drip coffee. This is your classic ‘dump in the basket’ grind size that will produce what can only be called your ‘generic cup of coffee’.

5. Medium fine grounds

This grind size is great for pour overs and siphon coffees. We’re reaching the ‘zone of experimentation’ now, and a medium-fine grind is a great foundational grind for testing new ways of brewing coffee.

6. Fine grounds

This grind is great for espresso. Of course, tuning an espresso machine requires you to coarsen up or make fine your coffee grind, but generally speaking, finely ground coffee is a good benchmark espresso grind.

7. Super fine grounds

Super fine coffee is often times widely used for one type of coffee only: Turkish coffee.

Payment and Shipping

Please allow up to 10 days for your order to arrive. Shipping is only $5 via USPS Ground. 

Secure Ordering & Payment Options

We accept major debit/credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and other popular payment methods to offer a seamless checkout experience. We even accept personal check with our White Glove Personal delivery (available locally in Tampa Bay area)

Returns & Refunds

We do not accept coffee returns at this time. However, if there is a problem with your coffee, please email us at so we can find out what’s happening and work to make it right. Please let us know within 30 days of purchase, so we can be on top of the issue.

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